Frequently Asked Questions​

We can't tell you everything about aloe on one webpage but...

here are some FAQ's and Info Videos

everything you need to know about aloe

Forever Aloe Gel

This drinking gel is as close to the real thing as you can get, boasting 99.7% inner leaf aloe gel, lovingly extracted by hand so that you can experience the true power of nature.It also contains vitamin C. Vitamin C contributes to the normal function of the immune system and to a normal energyyielding metabolism.As I said on the front page its flavour is unlikely to bring joy to your taste buds, but it's the one I reccommend to drink during your Aloe Challenge. You can always add a little squash to your aloe for the first few days. Or if you are slightly concerned then start your Aloe Challenge with one of the gels below.

Forever Berry Nectar

This is the Aloe Gel that Ann changed to after finishing her Aloe Challenge. It's pure aloe infused with delicious cranberry and apple. Just as great for skin, the immune system and it’s an ideal digestive aid, while added fruit gives this drink a sweet and tangy flavour.Added antioxidant vitamin C also contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.These amazing ingredients, plus 90.7% pure inner leaf aloe vera gel, makes Forever Aloe Berry Nectar a powerful choice.

Forever Aloe Peaches

The Forever Aloe Peaches is a smooth and fresh drink that’s enhanced 84.3% pure aloe vera gel with natural peach purée and vitamin C. If you don't like cranberry or apples then this would be a last resort. It's really been created for children who just can't or won't dring the Aloe Gel or Aloe Berry Nectar.Like all the aloe gels, this refreshing and fruity alternative is a brilliant digestive aid that helps support immune function and skin health.

Some FAQ's


Why aloe vera?

Aloe vera is our key ingredient. The benefits of aloe vera have been celebrated for centuries, which is why we've developed dozens of products based on this prized plant. Aloe vera has amazing benefits for your health inside and out. From the inside, aloe supports digestive health, promotes a healthy immune system, supports nutrient absorption and boosts natural energy levels. From the outside, aloe moisturizes, conditions and soothes the skin.


Why this Aloe Vera?

Forever, takes the quality of the aloe vera they use so seriously that they decided to grow it themselves. In fact, their huge aloe fields in the US, Mexico and the Dominican Republic make them the world’s largest grower and manufacturer of aloe vera. This means they know exactly where every drop of aloe vera gel they use in their products has come from, and they are able to control its quality and purity from plant, to product, to you. Forever are incredibly proud that their products have already benefited millions around the world, and they hope you’ll be the next person to experience the amazing benefits of aloe vera.


How much does the Aloe Challenge cost?

We recommend drinking three one litre aloe gels, either Aloe Gel, Aloe Berry Nectar or Aloe Peaches. Our recommendation is to drink the Aloe Gel as it has 99.7% aloe inner leaf gel in the product. Having said that the taste is not something to write home about so if you think you would not be able to drink the gel then go for the Berry Nectar or Aloe Peaches. The cost of a Tripack is £66.42 for three litres plus £6.99 delivery. These come with a full 100% money back guarantee, meaning you can drink all three gels and if you fell you have had no benefit then we will refund you the full £66.42 and the £6.99 for delivery. No questions asked.


Where are your facilities located?

Their facilities include aloe fields in the Dominican Republic and Mission, Texas, manufacturing facilities in Phoenix, Arizona and Dallas, Texas, and a distribution facility in the Netherlands. Forever offices span the globe.


Is your product available for purchase on other websites?

Yes, there are over 9.5 million Forever Business Owners in over 150 countries around the world, so if you don't feel comfortable ordering from Ann and Mike Ruffles then they would still recommend you get with a Forever Business owner as Forever Aloe will benefit you immensely.


Is it safe to Buy Online?

We take security very seriously. This is the reason we protect our customers by only using the official Forever retail site. All purchasing links go to this site so you can be sure your data is safe at all times. Your order is 100% secure. It is fully encrypted with a 256-bit SSL certificate, which is used by all major banks.


How do I unsubscribe?

We’d love to have you in our community, however, if you want to unsubscribe, then simply use the unsubscribe link in any of the emails we sent you or send us an email to with the subject line 'Unsubscribe' and you’ll stop receiving emails from us.

All Gels

Smile and enjoy your aloe challenge!

Thirty days from the arrival of your Aloe Challenge order you will feel the benefits of Forever's Aloe Gel. How will you feel?